Stock Market Simulator

Trusted by over three million educated investors

The EstHive Stock Market Simulator is FREE to join and use

Desktop Viewing Portfolio

Practice stock trading with virtual money.

No deposit needed. Practice trading with virtual money to sharpen your knowledge of how the stock market works and how to use an online brokerage. The EstHive Simulator will help you gain confidence before risking your own money.

Desktop Viewing Portfolio

Trade a wide range of stocks, ETFs, and options.

Whether you are investing for the first time or looking to get more familiar with advanced trading methods, there is something for you. The EstHive Simulator offers over 6,000 equities on the NYSE and the Nasdaq for you to practice trading and investing in.

Mobile Phone Illustration

Trade by yourself or compete with others.

Practice trading and investing by yourself or join a game with hundreds of thousands of other like-minded educated investors and compete for the top rank.

3D Column Chart Illustration


Can you play the stock market game by yourself?

Other Simulator users do not have any effect on your portfolio. So you are completely capable of trading and managing your portfolio on your own.

Does the stock market game cost money?

Not one bit. Sign up for free without entering any of your financial information. You will start with your own virtual cash to trade with.

Can I trade options in the EstHive Simulator?

Yes! You can trade call and put options but at this time the Simulator does not support writing options.

Is there an EstHive Simulator mobile app?

No, but the Simulator is completely mobile responsive and will work on your iOS or Android device in your preferred web browser.